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Effects On Individual Health & Lifestyle

Effects On Individual Health & Lifestyle

People are social beings who live in society and adhere to specific written or unwritten rules. It is also not an exaggeration to say that these rules are constantly changing, contentious, and can have varying effects on different people. People, on the other hand, must adapt to fit in. Society, specifically family, friends, and community, significantly impact one’s lifestyle and health.

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Without a doubt, a person’s primary source of influence is their family. According to Maritz (2018), parents who lead an unhealthy lifestyle can “reprogram” the processes that govern their children’s growth, development, and ageing. As a result, children may appear weaker and more susceptible to various diseases (Maritz, 2018). On the other hand, parents who practice healthy habits have a better chance of raising healthy and strong children. Given that children mimic their parents or guardians’ behaviour, it is safe to say that they are more likely to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the future.

Friends have an impact on one’s lifestyle as well. For example, smoking is now more than a habit; it is an expected societal behaviour. It’s a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and unwind while chatting with people who make you happy. The adverse side effects of “social smoking” may include lung, tooth, and skin problems. “Social drinking” and “social smoking” exist and serve the same purpose. Drinking is done not to become intoxicated but rather to avoid being noticed. Friends, on the other hand, are not always drinkers or smokers. They may be sports or healthy eating enthusiasts, for example. As a result, one attempts to follow their lifestyle unconsciously.

People’s lifestyles are frequently influenced by their surroundings, particularly their community. Community members’ beliefs, habits, and values are heavily influenced by their local culture, controlled by the media and television. The link between what people see on screen and how they act is clear. Influential celebrities are now so widely covered in the media that they can learn about their diets and workout routines. As a result, people resort to fad diets and overwork themselves (Maritz, 2019). Influencers, on the other hand, can promote healthy lifestyles and discourage dieting. Religion is also an important consideration. Many religious people, for example, are strict vegetarians who refuse to consume alcohol or smoke, leading to a healthier lifestyle (Rasheed et al., 2016). How one eats is not always one’s choice because various other factors influence it.

Every community has its own set of traditions and tendencies regarding work, work ethics, and work schedules. People live in a capitalistic world and are expected to work hard to earn money; thus, most businesses now have a full eight-hour working day that begins early in the morning. If a person biologically predisposed to being a “night owl” has to wake up early, they may experience psychological and physical difficulties (Torabi, 2013). Furthermore, working environments are rarely healthy because they are designed to make employees more competitive to achieve an employer’s goals. Insomnia, migraines, burnout, and other side effects are familiar with such a regimen. Working remotely, on the other hand, has become much more socially acceptable and even praised. Many people report that the comfort of their home, less stress, and adequate sleep positively impact their health. It is undeniable that the working environment has a significant effect on people’s health.

It is evident that people influence one another; thus, the environment directly impacts an individual’s beliefs, habits, and lifestyle. It significantly affects how people work, drink, smoke, and even eat. While it may not always be a positive effect, it is possible to make it so.

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Maritz, G. (2019). Hereditary effects of parental lifestyle on the health of offspring (1st ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Rasheed, E., Hetherington. A., & Wyatt, L (2016). BTEC national level 3 health and social care (3rd ed.). Hodder Education; UK ed. Edition.

Torabi, M. R., Finley, K., & Olcott, C. O (2013). Healthy lifestyle: Top ten preventable causes of premature death with real stories of change. AuthorHouse.


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After reviewing Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following;

How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle? Identify at least three positives and three adverse effects.

Effects On Individual Health & Lifestyle

Effects On Individual Health & Lifestyle

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style, with support from at least two academic sources.
  • You should respond to at least two peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.