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Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches

Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches

Characteristics of a Developed Country

A developed country has the following characteristics, according to (Characteristics of Developed and Developing Countries, 2020). Had a high and secure per capita income, which means that the economic value increased at the end of the year. This suggests that poverty in developed countries can reduce its ratio. Another feature that distinguishes this type of country is the safety of its citizens. Security is guaranteed, which means they have better and more futuristic technology to protect their people, such as weapons and armour. Another feature of a developed country is the availability of high-quality health care. Developed countries with guaranteed health care have numerous hospitals and care facilities, and medical personnel is well-trained and dependable. The county’s population has a high life expectancy and low mortality rates.

Continuing with the characteristics of developed countries, we can mention the low unemployment rate. This means that in a developed country, almost everyone works because unemployment is low and there is a high rate of available jobs. Another feature of a developed country is mastery of science and technology. This one, I believe, is crucial because it is the industrial component. Manufacturing and technology are two examples of how people can use technology to improve their lives and move the economy forward. That being said, the sixth characteristic is that the level of exports exceeds the level of imports. This is because there are more jobs available to produce goods for export, which involves security, health, and income. As we can see, everyone is invested in the success of the developed country. The United States of America, Germany, and Japan are examples of developed countries.

Features of a Developing Country

On the other hand, there are developing countries. We have the following characteristics for this type of country. The annual income is typically lower. This is due to the unemployment rate; in comparison to developed countries, annual income is higher due to a lower rate of unemployment. Furthermore, developing countries do not provide adequate security for their populations. Security is not as successful in developing countries and is frequently ineffective. In addition to the three previously mentioned characteristics, the health is poor, and there is a lack of health care, resulting in more mortality than living expectancy.

Population growth in developing countries is uncontrolled. This means that there is no control, and the population continues to grow unabated. This is due to a lack of education and difficulties in providing health care to the people. The unemployment rate in developing countries is alarmingly high owing to a scarcity of job opportunities. Because of poor management of natural resources, developing countries’ imports outnumber their exports. Indonesia, Brazil, and other countries are examples of developing countries.

What are the advantages of developed countries sharing their technology and knowledge with developing countries?

In many ways, developing countries benefit from receiving knowledge and technology from developed countries. But for the time being, I’ll concentrate on the major issue in front of us, COVID-19. Due to the global pandemic, all countries and nations experienced an earthquake in their economy and health status. The developing world suffers the most. The good news for these developing countries is that all of the knowledge and resources available to developed countries assist them in restarting their systems or continuing to develop. For example, in this case, all the PPE and health resources required in developing countries to help their economies and population health, as well as personnel, including the military, to assist them.

According to (Developing Countries and Development Cooperation: What Is at Stake? 2020), the goal for developed countries to support developing countries is to help with immediate needs, which includes, as previously mentioned, supporting their healthcare and workers. This is to help in difficult times and situations in order to prevent loss of life and financial situations, as well as to provide education. Also, support short and medium-term needs, such as human resource support, human rights, expanding health and social protection coverage, and so on.

What, on the other hand, are the advantages of developing countries sharing their knowledge and practices with developed countries? DGs

Developed countries can gain knowledge from developing countries in a variety of ways, but the most important thing, in my opinion, is data for various situations and processes. For example, developing countries can share statistics on mortality, infectious diseases, and even the economy and invest in developed countries with valuable information about what helps them and what needs to be fixed for a better outcome. That way, developed countries will not repeat the same mistake or cycle.

For the United Nations to be able to establish development goals, it was necessary to conduct research and develop a plan that included statistics and data on the needs of both developing and developed countries. This data assists them in identifying problems and using the knowledge of these countries and populations to find a better solution.


Characteristics of Developed and Developing Countries. (2020, May 23). Progreso.

Developed vs. Developing. (2017, October 11). YouTube. v=val9YCQHX3A&feature=emb_title

Developing countries and development cooperation: What is at stake? (2020, April 28). OECD. development-co-operation-what-is-at-stake-50e97915/

GrayLine group. (2018, January 14). Developed Economies and Wealth Concentration.


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Describe the characteristics of a developed country.

Describe the characteristics of a developing country.

Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches

Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches

What are the benefits of developed countries sharing their knowledge and technology with developing countries?

Conversely, what are the benefits of developing countries sharing their knowledge and practices (including health practices) with developed countries?

4 sentences for each question

APA format

2 current peer-reviewed articles