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Community Strategic Plan

Community Strategic Plan

Working at the Women’s centre in my hospital has sparked my interest in focusing on women’s and infants’ health. Women face a lot of challenges in their lives. They experience unique health issues, and even the health issues that affect both men and women can affect women differently. Women are thrown into the world of motherhood and are expected to be perfect at everything, including maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Identify resources in your community that would enable you to complete a community assessment and submit a summary of your findings.

The resource that I have found is the Women & Infants Hospital. “Women & Infants Hospital is the region’s premier hospital for women and newborn children. It is the nation’s 12TH LARGEST stand-alone obstetrical service and operates one of the nation’s largest single-family room neonatal intensive care units. It is also the premier hospital in the region for women seeking treatment for infertility, incontinence, gynecologic and breast cancers, high-risk and normal obstetrics, postpartum depression, gastrointestinal disorders, and other medical conditions.” (, 2016) In 2016, New England performed their own Community Health Needs Assessments and found multitudes of issues that women face in their day-to-day lives. These issues can range from health care illness to social issues, to mental health illness, and so on.

Refer to Table 8-3: Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns, and assess the strengths and concerns of your community.

There are a lot of strengths and concerns related to Maternal and Child health. Well-Child clinics are available everywhere. However, there are not enough providers available to care for these moms and babies. This then causes an overflow of patients that healthcare providers can barely keep up with caring for. For those who are looking into family planning, there are a lot of family planning clinics around. However, for those without proper insurance, some procedures or products may still be expensive.

What is great about our healthcare system is that there is always help out there. Some may be harder to find than the others, but there is always help if you’re willing to look. Moms who feel like they can’t care for their newborns are given the option to give their babies up in a safe manner. Fire stations and police stations are always accepting babies that are being given up by their parents. It is unfortunate that these babies will end up in our foster care system and may not get the love that they deserve, but I would rather have them alive than being thrown in the dumpster. It is sad, but it is the harsh reality that we are living in.

Identify potential barriers to implementing community health plans in your community and brainstorm ways of addressing these barriers.

“Social determinants of health are factors within the environment in which people live, work, and play that can affect health and quality of life and are often the root cause of health disparity. Healthy People 2020 defines a health disparity as “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage.” (, 2016) A person’s economic status will greatly affect the way they get care. They either don’t have resources that will help them get the care that they need, or they don’t know how to find these resources. Most poor people have the mentality that once they are poor, they will always stay poor. They feel like that is the life that was handed to them and that there is no use in fighting it. It is the same with getting their health care needs met. They don’t get help until they have reached the end of the rope. One of the ways to help these people, especially mothers, is to do community outreach. If healthcare providers take time to volunteer and help people in need, more and more people will have somewhat of access to care.

“CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health provides scientific leadership in the promotion of women’s health and infant halth before, during, and after pregnancy. In addition, we work to reduce disease and death among mothers and babies, with special attention to reducing racial and ethnic differences in these health outcomes.” (, 2019) If women get care prenatally, there is a higher chance that they will survive labour and delivery. Maternal mortality is unacceptably high but we can do something about it. “Women die as a result of complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth. Most of these complications develop during pregnancy and most are preventable or treatable. Other complications may exist before pregnancy but are worsened during pregnancy, especially if not managed as part of the woman’s care.” (, 2019) If more resources are readily available to poorer areas, maternal mortality can be prevented. It is important that we pay more attention to our moms and babies. It is a hard job, and without our moms, none of us will be here.

References (2019). Maternal and Infant Health. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.        Retrieved  from (2019). Maternal Mortality. World Health Organization. Retrieved from (2016). Community Health Needs Assessment. Women and Infants           Hospital.            Retrieved         from


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this assignment, you will research and prepare a community-level strategic plan that addresses a key public health issue.

Potential topics may include:

Using prenatal and infancy home visits to prevent child abuse and neglect

Community Strategic Plan

Preventing falls in the elderly

Reducing population salt intake

Reducing tobacco use among adults

Preventing risky sexual behaviour among youth and young adults

Reducing drug experimentation among young adults

Include the following in your paper:


Provide an overview of the community health issue as described in Part A with identified causes and influences, including knowledge gaps.

Detail the prevalence of the issue inside and outside the United States.

Describe potential monetary costs associated with the issue in the United States.

You must include data as part of your introduction (images, charts, graphs, etc., may be included as well as written data).

Describe advanced practice roles and management strategies that affect change at the community level.

Identify key community and social resources that negatively and positively affect the selected issue.

Identify changes or enhancements in community-related services for your selected topic.

Develop a strategic plan that could decrease the prevalence of your selected topic. The goals for this plan need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Include how your plan takes into consideration health literacy, socioeconomic factors, and cultural differences.


A summary of the goals and challenges

An assessment of the outlook for action/progress

Appendix A: Include your community assessment from Week 3 as Appendix A.

Your paper should be 3–5 pages in length (not including the cover or reference pages). Use APA throughout.

Include 2–3 scholarly sources that are carefully selected and appropriate to the topic. References should be current—no more than four years old.

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