Applying Social Psychology and Personality
The study of human thought, emotion, behavior, and interpersonal interaction is known as social psychology. This field aids in understanding individual, group, or societal behavior because it focuses on feelings, attitudes, and the ways in which groups can influence individuals. Examining a person’s behavior in a situation while taking into account many factors, such as their personality and the environment in which they live, is also beneficial. Understanding social psychology is critical because everyone’s actions reflect their emotions and surroundings.
Individual, societal, or group behavior
Social psychology makes it easier to understand a person’s personality traits and behaviors. Psychologists use trait theory to investigate personalities. It is based on the idea that every individual possesses a set of fundamental characteristics that influence their thoughts and behavior under different circumstances. It is based on the idea that situations and settings can elicit emotions, which then manifest as behaviors. This theory can help predict someone’s behavior in a given situation (Shibutani & Glassner, 2017). Understanding how personality traits influence behavior may aid in better understanding and prediction of how people will behave. They investigate social processes and behaviors such as emotions, attitudes, intentions, and thoughts (Shibutani & Glassner, 2017). Some of the topics include Attributions and social psychology, which is concerned with how people interpret their own experiences, actions, and motivations to others. Attribution describes how we interpret our previous experiences by attributing praise or blame for our actions to external factors. Stereotypes focus on how people categorize and judge others based on their membership in each group. For example, people may have preconceived notions about specific ethnic groups or gender norms (Shibutani & Glassner, 2017). Social facilitation investigates how context influences how quickly people perform behaviors or tasks. Certain circumstances may make a difficult task, such as completing a puzzle, easier. The tendency to perform poorly as a result of a scenario or task is referred to as social loafing. In other words, they may not be sufficiently motivated to complete the work to its fullest extent. Finally, social norms are concerned with how a specific group maintains the status quo. Someone may be considered “more of a leader” if they are well-liked by the group and have strong social or professional skills.
Incorporation of a Christian Worldview
Christian worldview concepts can be used to improve social relationships, educational settings, and cross-cultural communication. The Christian worldview can be used to foster beneficial interactions with people from all walks of life (Leganger-Krogstad, 2003). Individuals will feel better about themselves and behave in ways that promote the integration of people from various backgrounds if they are welcomed into a safe environment where their perspectives on diversity are recognized and valued. People will feel free to express their thoughts and feelings because they will be heard in a loving and compassionate manner. This open discussion may result in greater understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and racial harmony.
Beliefs and backgrounds vary.
I believe that knowing more about social psychology and personality will help me interact with people from different cultural backgrounds or worldviews. Thanks to this knowledge, I will be able to understand why people who hold different beliefs than mine behave and think in different ways. Social psychology and personality theory explain how various factors influence people in various ways. My understanding of social psychology and personality will enable me to recognize people’s differences and similarities. My understanding of social behavior, personality, and conversational techniques will enable me to interact and relate more effectively with people from various cultural backgrounds. Knowing why others think differently, according to Khalis et al., helps me accept them better (2022). People come from a variety of backgrounds, and their life experiences shape how they think. I need to understand that everyone is unique in their own way. It would be unjust of me to expect others to think or act the same way I do or in the same way that I was raised.
The scientific study of how other people’s actual, suggested, or simulated presence affects people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are known as social psychology. The three major schools of social psychology encompass different mental orientations, cognitive vs. psychoanalytic perspectives, and methods of observing social interaction (e.g., laboratory vs. naturalistic). As subtle variables that operate outside of our awareness and control continue to shape society and human behavior, research is increasingly focusing on understanding their significance.
Khalis, A., Ferrari, M. A., Smit, S., Ewell, P. J., & Mikami, A. Y. (2022). You teach me, and I will teach you: The role of social interactions on positivity elicited from playingPokémon GO. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace
Leganger-Krogstad, H. (2003). Dialogue among young citizens in a pluralistic religiouseducation classroom. International perspectives on citizenship, education, and religious diversity (pp. 150-169).
Shibutani, T., & Glassner, B. (2017). Society and Personality: An interactionist approach to social psychology.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This week, the information presented in the readings and articles speaks on the variety of factors that often influence the health behavior of people. Further explaining this, several theories and models (as they relate to shaping health outcomes) are introduced. Finally, the concepts of medicalization and demedicalization were introduced. Please answer 1 of the first 2 questions, and then do question 3.
1. The reading on Autism Spectrum Disorder and the DSM-5 by Barker and Galardi discusses the demedicalization of certain behaviors, that will no longer be considered under the autism diagnosis. Additionally, the PEW data point to a demedicalization (sort of) of marijuana, in that society is more likely to accept it as a harmless drug. Can you think of any other behaviors or conditions that could be demedicalized? If so, what would be some of the contested issues, and who would the stakeholders be?
2. Please choose one model or theory from the three discussed in the ASP text and explain how it could be applied to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Map out how you would use the theory to promote health.
3. Choose a health behavior of your own and then apply one of the 3 theories from the ASP text. Each person tries to do either a new health behavior or a different theory. For instance, I might choose drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and would then go through the 5 stages of change. Be original with your example.
Reading 1:
Reading 2: