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Advanced Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing

Advanced Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing

There have been questions on where nursing theory fits in the future of nursing and the most applicable theory to be emphasized by nurses, especially in the changing healthcare market. This arises as a result that the grand theory has been given little attention in recent years due to the achievement of the goal and acceptance that nursing is a profession. However, the theoretical perspectives of nursing advance in establishing the discipline to expand knowledge growth (Roy, 2018). In the 21st century, middle-range theories appear most likely to blossom in search of cementing a knowledge base for the professional nurse.

Mary Jane Smith and Patricia Liehr, in their 2nd edition article on the Middle Range Theory of Nursing, outline that even though nursing remains on the edge of professional disciplines, it is in danger of being compelled or ignored if adequate attention is not offered to the field of nursing concerning inquiry and practice (Smith & Liehr, 2018). The authors stated that the development of middle-range theories provides evidence for the growth of knowledge development. In addition, the evolution in nursing is characterized by the specialization within the professions as the theories move closer to the bedside, thus enabling the nurses to expand their practice of knowledge within their specialty (Smith & Liehr, 2018). As a result, a nurse is no longer considered to know everything but instead gives room for them to gain knowledge and skills within their specialty.

The development of middle-range theories will pave the way for the invention of situation-specific theories that will focus on particular phenomena of nursing. Nurses must have continuous development of knowledge to have a progressive improvement in patient care that will expand nurses’ phenomena of art and science and therefore provide an outline for practice in the discipline (Roy, 2018). Focus on patient outcome improvement and satisfaction will be future development in nursing theory, and the middle range theories enhance the development of this theory.

Middle-range theories are applicable to all aspects of the nursing profession ranging from administration, education, and practices of direct patient care. The future concerning healthcare may be uncertain, and a stronger knowledge base for nurses will enhance them to develop a firm discipline that will facilitate them to provide quality healthcare through skills learned, art applied, and sufficient knowledge acquired (Smith & Liehr, 2018). The future of nursing profession practices has only one constant, and this is quality healthcare; therefore, the evidence-based practice established through research studies and theories will lead the nurses into the future.


Roy, C. (2018). Key issues in nursing theory: Developments, challenges, and future directions. Nursing Research, 67(2), 81-92. sing_Theory Developments,.5.aspx

Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. R. (Eds.). (2018). Middle range theory for nursing. Springer Publishing Company.


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Advanced Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing

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