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How Do You Practice Intra-and-Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Practice?

How Do You Practice Intra-and-Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Practice?

I agree that learning initiatives aimed at fostering interprofessional collaboration are in line with professional development objectives aimed at improving health outcomes. The intra- and-interdisciplinary collaborative effort has a beneficial impact on service delivery as it increases commitment, provides guidance, and facilitates proactiveness targeted at the optimal implementation of interventions in the organization. A collaborative effort, in my experience, fosters teamwork, which enhances service delivery and allows members to accomplish more jointly than they could separately. Collaborations enhance positivity among patients and promote flexibility among the healthcare team in the provision of services to patients. Collaboration also fosters a healthy work environment, which leads to a culture of commitment and transparency for serving the expectations of the healthcare profession.

There are definitely various strengths in successfully adopting intra- and-interdisciplinary collaboration. The key advantage is that effective cooperation and support among colleagues minimizes the experience of work-related stress, which has the capacity to enhance patient care quality through more effective collaboration and improved professional competence. Furthermore, intra- and-interdisciplinary collaboration promotes bonding and can strengthen relationships among team members by enabling them to understand more about each other. However, there are considerable weaknesses in adopting this approach. Poor information exchange and interaction among members of the intra-and-interdisciplinary team can result in poor health outcomes. Establishing effective intra-and-interdisciplinary collaboration may be limited by ambiguity and lack of awareness about the duties and responsibilities of each member within the teams, which detracts from the team’s capacity to offer appropriate integrative healthcare.

Though WHO calls for interprofessional education, substantial efforts have to be undertaken in terms of establishing duty limits and researching professional standards; or else competing needs may interfere with service delivery. More efforts should be made to boost confidence among health practitioners by educating them on how to resolve complex situations through intra- and interdisciplinary teamwork, which optimizes health outcomes (Henry et al., 2018). While the article acknowledges the importance of shared decision-making and the need to develop collaborative competencies, based on my experience, I believe that there is a need to overcome resistance to change.


Henry, B., Male, B., Garner, C., & Guernon, A. (2018). Teaching and learning about interprofessional collaboration through student-designed case studies and analyses. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(3), 560-570.


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Post a response describing your own experiences with intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in your practice (Psychiatric). What were the strengths and weaknesses of this collaboration?


How Do You Practice Intra-and-Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Practice?

How might your own experiences mirror the perspectives and viewpoints presented in the Henry et al. (2018) case study design approach?