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Concept of Professional Accountability as it Pertains to Nursing

Concept of Professional Accountability as it Pertains to Nursing

Accountability refers to the act of being responsible for your actions and having the ability to explain your reasons for them. In nursing, professional liability is, therefore, defined as the act of nurses taking responsibility for their actions and judgments in patient care (Davies, 2017). It is therefore considered an essential component of professional nursing practice as nurses should be aware of the repercussions that come with every decision they choose to make in regard to the profession.

According to Rushton and Stutzer, 2015, the concept of professional accountability is clearly outlined in the code of ethics of the American Nursing Association (ANA). Nursing is considered an essential department in the healthcare profession and, on many occasions, is responsible for decision-making on matters concerning life and death. This is an issue that has been of great debate over many years as some of the decisions they make may border on ethical concerns.

A nurse shows professional accountability in their career by putting into practice the competencies and skills they learn during nursing practice. This can be achieved by continuously expanding the skills they acquire to ensure that they provide the best care to patients. Accountability can, therefore, be guaranteed through simple practices like proper handwashing and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary.

Applying evidence-based practice helps attain professional accountability by guiding the clinical interventions the nurses choose to carry out. It helps ensure that the concerns of the patients are always put into consideration when providing medical care. This, in the long run, helps ensure that positive patient outcomes are guaranteed for all (Battie & Steelman, 2015).


Battie, R., & Steelman, V. M. (2015). Accountability in nursing practice: Why it is important for patient safety. ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, 28(4), 14.

Davis, C. (2017). The importance of professional accountability.

Rushton, C. H., & Stutzer, K. (2015). Ethical implications of workarounds in critical care. AACN advanced critical care, 26(4), 372-375.


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Outline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing. Provide examples of how a nurse demonstrates professional accountability in clinical expertise, the nursing process, and evidence-based practice.

Concept of Professional Accountability as it Pertains to Nursing

Concept of Professional Accountability as it Pertains to Nursing

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