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Contrasts and Similarities

Contrasts and Similarities

Evidence-based practice refers to the systematic discovery and application of research as the foundation for clinical practice (LoBiondo & Haber, 2017). There are several steps involved in the process of evidence-based practice. The steps are as follows: developing an inquiry spirit, developing clinical queries, locating the best evidence, critically appraising the evidence, incorporating evidence with clinical proficiency and patient preference, assessing the outcome, and disseminating the outcome. The research process, on the other hand, refers to the scientific process of developing and testing a hypothesis. A research process, like evidence-based practice, has several steps. Identification of a problem, review of literature, selection of methods, results, and procedures, theoretical framework, consent, confounding variables, data collection and statistical analysis, and finally, interpretation and dissemination are the steps. A nursing process, on the other hand, serves as a guide to patient-centered care and aids in the promotion of accountability for nursing activities; it is a five-step process that begins with assessment and concludes with evaluation. (2018) (Sareen).

Both the research and evidence-based practice processes necessitate a thorough review of the literature as well as a rigorous critical appraisal (Sareen, 2018). The nursing process and the research process are intertwined because the nursing process necessitates some knowledge, which is frequently obtained through the research process. Similarly, evidence-based practice, research, and nursing processes all necessitate action and are carried out by professionals with the necessary skills and experience. In addition, some evidence is gathered during the research process through the nursing process. Another similarity between evidence-based practice, nursing, and research processes is that they all seek to provide an answer to a specific problem. The nursing process and research are based on a theoretical framework and facts, with education and practice playing an important role in identifying a solution to a specific problem. Again, both are based on empirical knowledge and practice, and they take a systematic approach to achieving goals and objectives.

Although both research and evidence-based practice are systematic processes, their goals are distinct. A research process typically involves an investigation, with the results adding to existing evidence. In contrast, the goal of evidence-based practice is to find and evaluate the best evidence, some of which will be provided by research (LoBiondo & Haber, 2017). A research literature review aims to identify gaps in evidence, whereas evidence-based literature seeks the best current evidence. The research process focuses more on developing new knowledge and validating existing knowledge based on theory. In contrast, the evidence-based practice uses the best available evidence to improve patient outcomes. In other words, evidence-based practice focuses on translating knowledge and applying it in clinical decision-making rather than developing new or validate existing knowledge.

While the research process employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches in the development of new knowledge, the evidence-based practice employs the best clinical evidence in making patient-centered decisions. Beyond research, evidence-based practice incorporates clinical proficiency as well as patient preferences and values. The nursing process, evidence-based practice process, and research process all use different procedures to achieve the same result, and they all follow a set of sequential procedures. It is also critical to note the variations in results. The end result of the research process is the creation of knowledge. In contrast, the outcomes of the nursing process include changes and maintenance of patients and the community’s health (Taylor et al., 2017). While the nursing process is limited to the field of nursing, the research process is applicable in a variety of settings.


LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2017). Nursing research-E-book: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Sareen, J. (2018). Practical-1 Carrying Out Nursing Process. IGNOU.

Taylor, R. R., Kielhofner, G., Tsang, H. W., & Arbesman, M. (2017). Steps in the research process and characteristics of sound research. Kielhofner’s research in occupational therapy: Methods of inquiry for enhancing practice, 86-98.


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Similarities & Differences

What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and the nursing process?

Contrasts and Similarities

Contrasts and Similarities

Include a rationale to support your response.