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How Does The Nursing Metaparadigm Impact The Implementation Of Culturally Proficient Nursing Care?

How Does The Nursing Metaparadigm Impact The Implementation Of Culturally Proficient Nursing Care?

The nursing metaparadigm refers to how the nurse will apply her or his skills and knowledge in healthcare to provide quality services to clients. Nurses must establish a strong relationship with their patients in order to provide effective healthcare services. The bonds must be strong because if there is a breakdown, some services may be jeopardized at the expense of the patient’s health. Furthermore, nurses must be culturally competent in order to provide their services. This is due to the fact that the patient’s culture influences how he or she perceives illnesses and treatment (Dayer-Berenson, 2014). Similarly, the nurse’s exposure to different cultural backgrounds influences how she provides healthcare services.

To begin, the nurse’s cultural knowledge is a critical determinant of the success of his or her services. The nurse must be aware of the various cultural differences in their surroundings. Having a strong cultural background will aid in the formation of a bond between the patient and the nurse. Because of the differences in how different cultural groups respond to illnesses and treatments, cultural knowledge is one of the most important pillars of the nursing profession. Furthermore, some cultural groups regard certain medications as crucial in the treatment of specific diseases. As a result, if the nurse has this information, she will adjust her treatments to meet the patient’s expectations. Ignoring the patient’s cultural information would do more harm than good for healthcare delivery.

Furthermore, the nurse’s understanding of the patient’s attitude contributes to the overall success of their services. The patient’s attitude refers to how he or she perceives things. It is strongly related to the patient’s cultural background. A nurse must be aware of the various cultural groups’ modes of communication, their modes of interaction, and how roles are divided between different genders and age groups in a given culture. All of these factors have a significant impact on the patient’s attitude. The nurse must be aware of acceptable verbal and nonverbal cues in a specific group of people in order to communicate effectively. Furthermore, the information will assist the nurse in avoiding bias and stereotypes while treating the patient (Enoka, 2014).

The level of skills that the nurse possesses is the last factor that influences the delivery of healthcare services in nursing. The nurse’s skills may include how she addresses the patients, the language she uses, and the psychological and mental support she provides. Most of the time, patients do not receive adequate psychological and psychiatric support from healthcare providers, which has a negative impact on their recovery process. The nurse should be humble and ask and answer questions in a language that the patient understands. Jargon should be avoided at all costs in order to achieve better results (Sagar, 2011). In addition, if there is a language barrier, a translator should be used to assist the patient in following the conversation. Developing a rapport will assist the patient in gaining trust in the nursing services and responding quickly to treatment.


Dayer-Berenson, L. (2014). Cultural competencies for nurses: Impact on health and illness. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Sagar, P. L. (2011). Transcultural nursing theory and models: application in nursing education, practice, and administration. Springer Publishing Company.

Enoka, I. S., Petrini, M. A., & Turale, S. (2014). Samoan Philosophy of Nursing: a basis for culturally proficient care and policy. International nursing review, 61(3).


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The Nursing Metaparadigm

How Does The Nursing Metaparadigm Impact The Implementation Of Culturally Proficient Nursing Care?

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