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Proposed Research Plan

Proposed Research Plan

The purpose of this study was to investigate mental healthcare access and treatment utilization in African American communities. The study’s purpose is to investigate the stigma associated with mental illness among people of color. For one reason or another, African Americans are stigmatized when it comes to dealing with issues through therapy.

Based on ancient African culture, the African-centered perspective holds that traditional Western psychological theories are based on assumptions and principles that are incompatible with African American men (Ross, 2016). The history of the stigma associated with mental illness among people of color. The stigma associated with seeking mental health care in the African-American community. Because of the stigma, people of color do not seek therapy services. Receiving assistance is associated with being “crazy.” The practice experience with the problem of mental illness in colored communities. Working as a Case Manager in the Mental- Health field, I see very few African-American males or females receiving therapy or services from non-profit organizations.

The problem of mental health illness among people of color dates back centuries. The prevalence of mental illness among people of color is a source of shame. Because of cultural beliefs, it is not discussed within families. Because of the disconnect between the health care system and people of color who require mental health services, mental health correlates to people of color. A brief review of all of the articles in the literature supports my topic content by examining mental health care from all angles. The article discusses the unique mental health disparities that African Americans face identifies common help-seeking patterns and leads to effective mental health care outcomes. According to the article, the literature lacks an integrative framework for mental health service delivery that is tailored to the specific needs of African Americans. The main focus of the article is on the findings of a study that evaluated a pilot outreach intervention that used a community engagement model to address the mental health needs of African and African Caribbean groups. According to the article, rural African American children who live in poverty have a higher prevalence of mental health disorders than their urban counterparts.

Access to mental health services is limited in resource-constrained rural communities, and African American rural residents may face significant barriers to care and help-seeking. This article goes over According to Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity—A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (DHHS, 1999; 2001), all Americans underutilize formal mental health services. Ethnic minorities, on the other hand, are less likely than White Americans to use mental health services, particularly outpatient services (DHHS, 2001).

This study looked at the links between specific types and sources of discrimination and mental health outcomes in US racial/ethnic minority men who have sex with men (MSM), as well as how these links varied by race/ethnicity. This article focuses on the fact that nearly 20% of the U.S. population suffers from mental illness each year, but little is known about African American women’s attitudes toward mental illness. This qualitative study looked at African American women’s perceptions of mental illness and barriers to seeking treatment. The goal was to determine what psychosocial factors contribute to African American women’s reluctance to seek mental health care.

All of the articles contribute varying information that supports my research topic questions and provides mental health access and treatment utilization in African American communities. This learner focuses on specific keywords that would help my text and add to my research study while conducting research and looking for specific articles that support my topic. All of the articles in my literature review research contribute valuable information to my research on mental health treatment in communities of color.

To support the information on the problem of mental health divided between urban and suburban areas, the data source for this topic is a journal article published by Capella University. This learner is looking for information supported by prior research demonstrating that psychiatric health care differs across the board in communities of color versus non-color cities. My primary goal with this topic is to investigate whether or not mental health treatment is determined by skin color and whether or not every program has adequate service resources. This learner is gathering quantitative and qualitative data for the topic by examining both side health care and mental health resources. The analysis of qualitative data is less standardized than that of quantitative data. The goal of qualitative data analysis is to make sense of the data—to learn what happened during the data collection process and what it all might mean. Even verbal qualitative data, such as recordings of in-person interviews, can be assigned meaningful values or value categories. L. Myers, B.L.Y.R.W.W.L. (2018).

Program evaluation encompasses a wide range of activities and attempts to answer a wide range of program-related questions. Program evaluation can be defined broadly as “the use of both quantitative and qualitative research methods to assess the merit, worth, or value of a program” (Weinbach, 2005, p. 30). A program evaluation may focus on an old, well-established program, a relatively new program, or one that is being considered. The program’s training and my professional experience working in the mental health field with clients from various backgrounds. A team meeting with staff from each client is required to evaluate the program. The program practice and application goals must be evaluated. The program’s worth is considered as part of the evaluation. A client-completed survey assessment of the program will meet the need for the program’s goals, values, and norms.

My target audience and medium final data analysis for this topic on mental health stigma among people of color are to change—more funding and education on mental health programs for people of color are required across the board. One significant issue in the care of mental health care in communities of color is unconscious bias. It compares favorably to other cities in terms of mental health funding and education. My appropriate communication will be to convert this paper into a PowerPoint presentation for all mental health organizations.

To summarize, community mental health awareness is critical due to years of trauma from drug abuse and other societal norms within the black family. This topic educates all mental health organizations on how to provide consistent care across the board. Other research on the subject has shown that mental health in communities of color differs from that in suburban communities.


Myers, B.L.Y.R.W.W.L. L. (2018). Research Methods for Social Workers. [Capella]. Retrieved from

Neuman, W. L. (07/2011). Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. [Capella]. Retrieved from of-a-process/

Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., Myers, L. L. Research Methods for Social Workers. [Capella]. Retrieved from

Kawaii-Bogue, B., Williams, N. J., & MacNear, K. (2017). Mental health care access and treatment utilization in African American communities: An integrative care framework. Best Practices in Mental Health, 13(2), 11-29.

Mantovani, N., Pizzolati, M., & Gillard, S. (2017). Engaging communities to improve mental health in African and African Caribbean groups: A qualitative study evaluating the role of community well‐being champions. Health & Social Care in the Community, 25(1), 167-176. doi:10.1111/hsc.12288

Murry, V. M., Heflinger, C. A., Suiter, S. V., & Brody, G. H. (2011). Examining perceptions about mental health care and help-seeking among rural African American families of adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(9), 1118-1131. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9627-1

Haynes, T. F. (2010). Religious beliefs, attitudes towards mental health treatment, and mental health utilization among southern rural African Americans


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This final assignment is designed to help you conceptualize and articulate the basic characteristics of the proposed research plan. In previous weeks, you have learned how to logically structure or design a study meant to uncover data that produces a clear-cut answer (or answers) to the research question (or questions). You have also learned how to search the literature, identify your participant pool, and gather and analyze data.

Proposed Research Plan

Proposed Research Plan

In this assignment, you will incorporate the feedback you have received from your instructor on previous assignments and create a recorded presentation of approximately 15 slides. This presentation includes work you have previously done, which you will revise and convert to slides and narration. Further, the presentation will include a focus on an evaluation strategy for the newly established services to people who are homeless.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAS and practice behaviors:

C4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

  • C4.GP.A  Use practice experience and theory to inform scientific inquiry and research.
  • C4.GP.B  Apply critical thinking to engage in the analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings.
  • C9.GP.Select and use appropriate methods for the evaluation of outcomes.
  • C9.GP.C  Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate intervention and program processes and outcomes.


Include the following in your presentation. Use the titles below for the headings of each section. The number of slides indicated for each section is a suggestion.

  1. Introduction (1 slide).
    • Provide a brief overview of the presentation.
  2. Intervention Strategies (1 slide).
    • Explain the intervention strategies that will be offered at the shelter.
  3. Synthesis of Literature (2 slides).
    • Explain the process of refining a research problem into a measurable research question.
    • Provide a synthesis of the best practices literature from the literature review. Be sure to summarize and evaluate the literature and explain the contributions each could make to the proposed study.
  4. Potential Participants (1 slide).
    • Identify the potential research participants, including an explanation for the choice.
  5. Methods (2 slides).
    • Explain the methods you would use in your proposed study, including justification.
  6. Data Collection (2 slides).
    • Explain the sources and methods of data collection.
  7. Data Analysis (2 slides).
    • Explain how data will be analyzed.
  8. Limitations (1 slide).
    • Describe any limitations that can be foreseen in the proposed study.
  9. Dissemination Plan (2 slides).
    • Describe the primary audience and dissemination plan for the results.
  10. Conclusion (1 slide).
    • Summarize the proposed study.
    • Evaluate the potential for further study of the research problem.
  11. References.

Note: In addition to posting the link to your recording, attach your PowerPoint file with speaker notes to your assignment submission.

Additional Requirements

The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current Evidence and APA standards.
  • Length of presentation: Approximately 15 slides.
  • Presentation format: Review the information about multimedia presentations in the Tools and Resources section. In addition to posting the link to your recording, attach your PowerPoint file with speaker notes to your assignment submission.