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Elimination Complexities

Elimination Complexities

The complexity of healthcare practice is an important consideration for patient safety and quality. In healthcare, complexity refers to the collection of individual agents such as organizing, prioritizing, continuity of care, and decision-making that act in unpredictable ways, but their actions are interrelated and affect the safety and quality of patient care (Erickson, 2017). A variety of factors, including emotional, physiologic, psychologic, functional, and financial factors, contribute to the complexities of patient care in patients with advanced illnesses such as heart failure.

Complication elimination entails improving the quality and safety of care by improving the structure of complexities to ensure a better outcome. Complexity in elimination has a variety of effects on patients and their families. For example, “designing out” system barriers to care will help promote healthy work environments for nurses while also ensuring patients and their families balanced privacy. Time spent by healthcare providers gathering resources may divert nurses’ attention away from decision-making (Erickson, 2017). Thus, designing will assist the nurse in developing the capacity for mindfulness and better clinical reasoning, reducing patient crises and ensuring increased privacy for patients, families, and clinical teams.

Furthermore, complex decision-making impacts patients through delayed patient diagnosis and therapy schedules. The use of appropriate technology can make the nursing process easier and safer. The use of technology in patient monitoring and documentation promotes a healthy working environment, eliminates the complexity of decision-making, and improves patients’ ability to make sense of multiple and constantly changing environments to improve patient safety and quality of care (Runciman, 2017). Nurses, for example, frequently make medical administration decisions based on factors such as medication compatibility, dose schedule, and patient response. Thus, removing complexity from decision-making will aid in improving patient care quality.

Nurses play critical roles in meeting the psychological and emotional needs of patients. Patients, for example, particularly women diagnosed with breast cancer, suffer emotionally and psychologically. As a result, nurses play an important role in providing psychosocial care to such patients. Psychosocial care entails providing spiritual and psychological care via therapeutic communication (Hudson, 2018). Thus, psychosocial care aids in the assessment and identification of symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as early interventions in cancer care. Interventions include ensuring adherence to treatment regimens and making decisions to improve quality of life and reduce the burden of illness.

Among the emotions experienced by patients with terminal illnesses are anger, anxiety, denial, and frustration. Nurses are responsible for assessing and providing emotional care to patients, which includes removing any form of emotional distress. Fear of dying, social isolation, physical pain, and loss of independence are all factors that contribute to emotional distress (Hudson, 2018). By sharing information about patients’ emotional pain, nurses can provide emotional care to breast cancer patients. In addition, encouraging patients to discuss their fears will help them feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Overall, removing complexities from the healthcare system involves process inefficiencies and barriers to improved patient safety and quality of care. Eliminating complexity in healthcare, such as decision-making, continuity of care, and prioritization improves the working environment and results in better patient outcomes. Similarly, nurses are responsible for attending to patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Psychosocial care that assesses and intervenes in emotional pain can help patients with terminal illnesses.


Erickson, S. M. (2017). Putting patients first by reducing administrative tasks in health care: a position paper of the American College of Physicians. Annals of internal medicine, 166(9), 659-661.

Hudson, J. R. (2018). Addressing cancer patient and caregiver role transitions during home hospice nursing care. Palliative & supportive care, 1-8.

Runciman, B. M. (2017). Safety and ethics in healthcare: a guide to getting it right. CRC Press.


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Assignment 1)

Grading Rubric and Sample Table for this Discussion Question

Class after completing the assigned readings answer the following question

“In 300 words, Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example.” Use our text, other assigned readings and scholarly source to support your answer

Elimination Complexities

Elimination Complexities

Grading Rubric / Point Value for Each Part of the Question

Discuss how elimination complexities impact patient/ family lives +2.5

Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting psychological/ emotional needs related to elimination problems +2.5

Provide an example of the complexity, the impact and the nurse’s role in providing support +2.5

Writing and APA +0.5

You may post your reply in a narrative format or use the table below. Regardless of format, the post should be in writing in your own words and include citations and references of sources.

Elimination   complexities impact on patient and Family

Nurses supporting role related to the elimination of complexities

Examples of complexity, impact on patient’s family and nurse’s role in support


Whitney, S. GCU. (2020). Elimination Complexities.

Whitey, S. (2018). Elimination Complexities. In Pathophysiology: Clinical Applications for Client Health. Grand Canyon University (Ed.).

Assignment 2)

After completing the assigned reading and reviewing the functional health pattern assessment form I posted an answer to the following question:

In 300 words, Discuss how functional patterns help a nurse understand the current and past state of health of a patient. Using a condition or disease associated with an elimination complexity, provide an example.

*** Grading Rubric and Point Value for Each Part of the Question***

Discuss how functional health patterns are used by the nurse to understand the patient’s history and current health +2.5

Choose a condition associated with elimination complexity +2

Provide examples of data you might enter on the functional health patterns assessment +3

Writing organization and APA +0.5

You can complete the question in a narrative format or use the table below.

Describe   how nurses use functional health patterns to understand patient’s history and   current health Choose an elimination complexity

Provide   examples of data you might enter on the functional health patterns assessment   for the patient with the chosen elimination complexity


Read “Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Decline and Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease in Type 2 Diabetes,” by Megumi et al., from PLOS ONE (2018).


Read “Acute Kidney Failure,” located on the Mayo Clinic website.


Read “Kidney Failure (Symptoms, Signs, Stages, Causes, Treatment, and Life Expectancy),” by Wedro, located on the MedicineNet website.


Assignment 3

CAT Question #1 Critical Thinking Functional Health Patterns

Class in 250 words reflect on the nursing process – Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (ADPIE) Discuss how assessment leads to formulating a nursing diagnosis and plans of care. How might the functional health patterns assessment be used in assessment, planning and formulating diagnosis? Do you see it as an assessment tool/ gathering data or clustering it for use?