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Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment

Community health has been highlighted as a critical component that must be recognized and addressed in efforts to advance level-one services, prevent diseases, and improve the well-being of specific populations under community strategy. Because of the training, I am now knowledgeable and skilled in community-based healthcare. As a result, I can easily research and evaluate the health of my neighborhood. A needs assessment is required because it determines the type of care to be provided at specific times. People in the target community face health inequities, among other problems, which is a sobering realization. Furthermore, the area’s ethnic minority population explains the population’s vulnerability. Members of these populations have a difficult time obtaining high-quality, secure, and reasonably priced healthcare services. This situation is caused by a lack of insurance, a lack of healthy lifestyle behaviors, racial discrimination, and other ethnic-based barriers.

Substance abuse and drug use are also risks in these vulnerable communities.

The community, on the other hand, possessed a number of positive characteristics. First, as part of the integration program, these groups’ outstanding citizens received access to state government resources such as rehabilitation centers and other health services. Furthermore, government funding has benefited activities aimed at these populations to promote health and prevent disease. Furthermore, because of the diversity of these resources, they successfully meet a wide range of societal demands. Mendonça (2022) claims that the Institute of Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Triple Aim, which consists of three components of improvement, can benefit primary care organizations and sectors. As a result, when nurses work with families and communities to prevent disease and promote health, they have a significant impact on the community. Dossey et al. (2019) state that nurses participate in formal or informal volunteer programs to promote health in their communities. Patient education is one project related to their line of work, while unrelated projects include family-related volunteer work, health fairs, or financial contributions.

Furthermore, it is critical to establish community-based health policies that can advance and improve a community’s health and general well-being. These initiatives have the potential to close gaps in healthcare and health that exist across different population groups, giving locals hope. It is the responsibility of nurses to be persistent in influencing laws that promote healthcare equity. Furthermore, as policymakers, nurses could provide fact-based advice to legislators and others as they draft legislation to improve community health. Last but not least, I am grateful for the opportunity to work in community health, primarily assisting people in vulnerable groups such as the mentally ill and drug users. As a result of the course, I now have a better understanding of community health and a sense of competence in assessing the availability of resources in communities, making it easier for me to identify and address problem areas.


Dossey, B. M., Rosa, W. E., & Beck, D. (2019). Nursing and the sustainable development goals: From Nightingale to now. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 119(5), 44

Mendonça, L. (2022). School nursing alignment with the “Triple Aim” for healthcare quality improvement and transformation. NASN School Nurse,



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Give a brief summary evaluation of your community’s health, the major strengths of your community, and the hopes for your community in the future (access to healthcare, etc).

Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment

Also, discuss what has resonated with you in this course.